Saturday, February 07, 2004

Author Speaking Engagements

Dear Authors,

Welcome to our second issue of BOOK BUZZ! As promised, I'm going to discuss the subject of author speaking engagements in some detail. In the next few minutes you'll learn strategies, tips, and insider secrets for buzzing (promoting) your book(s) through speaking.

We always welcome your questions. Some will be answered online. Others will be answered personally--whichever is most appropriate. We also welcome your suggestions and tips on what works for you--to pass along to the other authors.

1. How to Get Bookings

Speaking engagements are one of the most important activities an author can do to promote their books. Many author's ministries are centered around speaking. But, how do you get bookings for speaking engagements? I'm sure you have your own list. Are these among them?

1. Mention to your audience that you are available for speaking. There may be people from other groups in attendance who would be interested. Offer to give them your info after the meeting.

2. Referrals--55% of bookings come from referrals! Let the meeting planners know that you are actively seeking bookings. Ask them for 3-5 referrals.

3. Your denomination or affiliations--let headquarters or the network movers know that you are available for speaking and on which topics.

4. Check the library or and search for various associations or organizations that might be interested in your topic. Fax them your "one sheet." (See below.) Call them--have a 30-second pitch ready when you reach the decision maker. (More on how to create a 30-second pitch another week.)

5. All of your promotional materials should mention that you are available.

6. Join on-line forums or chats in your subject area. Casually mention that you are an author and speaker at the appropriate time.

7. Be prepared when a "divine encounter" occurs to talk about your book and speaking ministry to individuals. They just might be a key contact!

HELP! Let us know about your best ways to get speaking engagements so we can share them with your fellow authors. THANKS!

2. How to Create a One-Page Faxable Info Sheet

Every serious speaker needs to have a "one sheet." It's a one page, one sided sheet that includes your most important speaking information. It must be faxable, so keep it uncluttered and easy to read. Make sure the type is not too small. Use Times or Arial (Helvetica) at least 12 point or larger. It should fit an 8.5' x 11" page. Here is some of the information you should include:

1. A big, bold headline (24 or 36 point size is big enough) that shouts your key audience BENEFIT (what your topic will do for the listeners). A subhead might mention who will benefit most from your topic.

TIP: Here's a quick way to pick a title for your message: "How to ____________ So You Can _______________" (you can fill in the blanks.) This formula creates a solution to your listeners' problem. That's a benefit!

2. List several bullet points that elaborate on the benefits of your message to the listeners.

3. Your photo with your name under the photo (not too big)--off to one side. Below your photo and name, put a brief bio listing your qualifications as an expert on this topic. You should mention your book(s) and other noteworthy accomplishments.

4. Opposite your photo and bio you can put one or two great testimonials/endorsements for your ministry. You can also include the names of some of the groups/conferences you have spoken to.

5. At the bottom, invite them to contact you or visit your website for more information. Be sure to include all of the ways they can reach you.

If you'd rather have us create your "one sheet," send us an email or call. The fee is $200 if we write and typeset it or $100 if you write it and we typeset it.

3. Nine Key Skills of a Professional Speaker

According to Dottie & Lilly Walters, two icons in the professional speaking business, there are 9 qualities/skills that a professional speaker needs. You must:

1. Become a passionate expert on your topic
2. Be compassionate toward your audience
3. Become a target-specific marketer
4. Have the ability to customize your topic to a particular audience
5. Ba a creator of marketing tools
6. Be a salesperson
7. Be a service person
8. Be a businessperson
9. Become a great speaker

See the next item for more information about Dottie and these 9 skills.

4. Required Reading for Authors on the Move

1. YOU CAN MARKET YOUR BOOK by Carmen Leal--A great resource for authors--from a Christian perspective. **If your Evergreen/Gazelle contract includes this book, you will receive your copy very soon. If it doesn't, you can order from us by sending $10 to the address at the top of this e-zine (regular price is $15). We bought a case to have available for our authors.

2. SPEAK AND GROW RICH by Dottie & Lilly Walters--Don't let the title throw you! This book is considered an icon in the speaking business and it includes many speaking resources too numerous to mention here. You can order it from or other online booksellers. Highly recommended.

5. Links to Speakers Bureaus, Newsletters, & Groups

SPEAKERS BUREAUS: (some of our authors are members) (the top Christian bureau) (for educators) (Northwest Speakers) (sports oriented) (Christian) (Christian) (not a bureau but a listing of Christian women speakers)

SPEAKERS NEWSLETTER (see also below): (the #1 secular speaker's newsletter)

SPEAKERS ORGANIZATIONS: (Christian) (Christian) (secular)

(Subscribe This is Carmen Leal's e-letter.

Today, I've opened the discussion on author speaking engagements. There will be much more to share. Our next discussion will be on author interviews.

Thanks for your participation in this author training resource. Let us know
how this information has helped you to buzz your book.

Warmest Regards,
Brian Banashak, Publisher
© 2004, Brian Banashak